Announcer 1: And I think we have a final report from California... Bob?
Announcer 2: Bob? Bob, ish that you?
Announcer 1: Er, Bob, are you OK?
Announcer 2: Jush fine, Bob! Bobby! Bobberino! Hey, we're bosh named Bob!
Announcer 1: Maybe we'd better call back?
Announcer 2: I'm fine, Bob, jush fine. Jusht been having a little drinky for Inif.. Inan... Inishmore. That'sh it. Inishmore. Ish done! All done! Yay!
Announcer 1: Well, that's good. We'd love to hear more about it, but maybe we'll return to this story after Bob has... recovered.Announcer 2: No, no. Bob! She got the sheams all done an'everything! Shee? It'sh inshide out. Inishmore, inshide out... all the lil' endsh, all woven in... and she got it done lasht night!
Announcer 1: Lasht... I mean, last night, Bob?
Announcer 2: That'sh what I shaid! Lasht night! She wanted to take picturesh thish morning though, in the shun. But then it rained. Shad little raindrops... itsh sho shad...
Announcer 2: OK, we're moving on now to the other magnificent Knitting Olympic final products. Thanks for listening. This was Bob...
Announcer 2: And Bob! Whee!
Announcer 1: ... signing off on Inishmore.
Well, that was actually interesting. I wasn't sure if I could finish in time, and I did, so that's nice. Without some sort of reason though (even if it's a self-imposed reason like the Knitting Olympics) I don't enjoy knitting flat-out on only one thing. It's the only one thing part, I think, that's the real problem. I usually have two or three projects going at once (at a minimum) so when I get bored I can switch. And I get bored very easily.
I also taught myself to cable without a cable needle, which I don't think I would have done without the deadline pressure, so that's a Useful Skill.
On the down side, I think the thing's still too short. I'm constantly pulling it down. Yes, I wanted a shorter version originally but I think I was wrong. It's a major undertaking to lengthen it, with the way it's designed, so I think I'll leave it for a bit and see if I acclimatize. R:tAG says I don't look any more like a bowling pin than usual. What a relief.
Labels: knitting
Yay! It looks great Amy. Congrats!
Congrats Amy! It looks real good.
Congrats on the completion! It looks fabulous, and you're inspiring me to some post-Olympic sweater knitting.
You really don't look like a bowling pin. Or anything else except you. I'm so shutting up now.
Does my ass make the sweater look big, though? :)
Wow! You did that just over the olympics? It looks so good! Great work. I wonder how many kick ass fingerless gloves you could have made during that time too... hmmmm...
Psst... I love my fingerless gloves :o)
Your project is very much like mine, and mine seems a bit short also. But that's when I am wearing pants. It is different with a dress. But maybe I just need to lose 20 pounds. I don't think I could day that about you.
Great Job!