A culinary discovery

You can overcook jam. I now am the proud owner of six jars of plum-flavoured rubber cement.

I will add this to my other hard-earned bit of kitchen wisdom... a minute makes a difference when you're baking cookies.


  1. neuba said...

    You could always go to some out of the way flea market/farmers market to sell them, claiming it is a old family recipe. Who will ever know? Just make sure never to return there again. You don't want a bunch of angry people after you. :)  

  2. Anonymous said...

    But that's so awesome! Tasty, and yet a useful adhesive as well. How can you go wrong? ;)  

  3. Anonymous said...

    Plum flavoured rubber cement... can't stop thinking that it could be used as a prop in a Cthuhlu LARP. But how?  

  4. Anonymous said...

    BTW, it is nice to see that you have not totally given over to the American life and still spell flavour properly.  

  5. Anonymous said...

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... plum flavour. Stickilicous.  


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