This is sort of turning into a “cool things we did on the weekend” themed blog, isn’t it? Anyway, that cool thing on the weekend, let me show you it!
We went back up to the same neck o’ the woods as that Firefly Shindig to see a local production of Evil Dead: The Musical. We didn’t sit in the “splatter zone”, which was probably a good idea because the fake blood smelled really gross* plus the theater was set up like a nightclub, with individual tables and chairs and waiters, so the blood would have gotten in our food and drinks. The production was marred a bit by a terrible sound system, but the tunes are really catchy and I'm glad R:tAG was so keen on going (Saturday night was the last show until next January)
In more recent news, R:tAG managed to hurt his back again and is pretty much laid up. Ah, the joys of getting old. It’s very bad timing; there was quite a lot of stuff we wanted to do in the next few days so I hope he can get some physio attention soon and get fixed up. Plus I suppose there’s the whole not-wanting-to-see-a-loved-one-in-pain thing…
* Not like blood. Not like anything organic, really. Plus it was really really pale, so the overall effect was more like a Pepto Bismo fight.
I'm not 100% on this but I'm pretty sure there is no song that has "All the men in my life keep getting killed by Candarian demons" in it as a lyric.
Also I read "Canadian Demons" the first time I read it. Which did make me laugh. And think of Brennan. And now, when trying to think of when a Canadian demon would have killed Randy I am suddenly reminded of the "I hate tequilla...I hate tequilla" story. Which is admitedly mexican. Which reminds me of the "tequilla gorilla" story. And so the stream of consciousness comment goes on and on...
Excuse me? You are doubting my lyric-quoting abilities? The song is from the very musical that I was talking about in the post, schmartie, and lyrics can be found here as even a rudimentary Google search would have shown you. Hah!
Google search eh...sounds a lot like working on my own time. Ok, you win this round although it says the title is "All The Men In My Life Keep Getting Killed By Candaian 19. Demons"
But still. For the God Knows What Number time. You were right and I was wrong. Though I find it difficult to be certain that you did not set up that website solely to link to it knowing I wouldn't look at anything else it contains (come on, it's a website devoted to Musical I want to dive in!) Not saying you did, just that it strikes me as something you *would* do in order to win an argument.
No comment. :)
This hasn't in any way endangered your GENCON!!!!! plans, has it?